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Throughout college, I was able to get a lot of hands on work through multiple class projects. My projects ranged from planning an event with a non-profit organization to creating a public relations campaign for a local business. The samples you see below were produced either with a group or by myself.

This a mock newsletter that I created for the American Heart Association. As a project for my Public Relations Writing class, we had to create a fake company newsletter. Our writing style had to reflect that of the company's current style.

Click on the PDF image to view the Document.

In the fall of 2018, our small special events class partnered up with the American Heart Association to host a new event in the cedar valley to help raise money for the organization. I was part of the executive team and contributed to all the executive parts on this document.

Click on the PDF image to view the Document.

One Stop Shoe Store is a mock business plan that was created for a marketing project I had. My class partner and I created together. Research was collected from online sources and by interviewing local businesses within the Cedar Valley.

Click on the PDF image to view the Document.

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